Dear clients,

We have good news to share. MOH has reclassified Physiotherapy as an Essential Service for those whom, if not provided or performed, would result in significant or rapid deterioration of their condition, and potentially threaten their health and well-being.

Sky Physio has obtained approval from the Ministry of Trade & Industry to offer these essential services during Circuit Breaker. Clients will be given face to face appointment only if they fulfil the criteria of absolute need through a phone triage process with our physiotherapist. Sky Physio continues to offer Telehealth consultations for all other clients.

All sessions are by prior appointment only. No walk-ins will be entertained.

Sky Physio is here to support your well-being during Circuit Breaker. Please whatsapp 98336670 to book your face- to-face or Telehealth session today.

In health,
Sky Physiotherapy Pte Ltd