Dear Clients,
In line with the government’s latest Tighter Safe Distancing Measures which come into effect 2359 hrs on 26 March 2020, Sky has adopted the following measures in addition to any existing protocols which shall come into force on 27 March 2020 Friday:
- All clients and staff will continue to have their temperatures checked, and shall also satisfactorily complete a Health & Travel Declaration Form (which may be revised from time to time). Any persons who are unwell and/or with any travel history within the last 14 days, or who have a member of their household who travelled in the last 14 days, or who are on Leave of Absence/Stay-Home Notice or Home Quarantine Order shall not be allowed to enter Sky.
- Sky will continue with its increased frequency of cleaning of common areas and high touch areas, as well as cleaning of equipment after each use. Clients are requested to bear with the staff as they clean up during their session.
- At any one time, there shall be no more than 10 clients in session on our premises. Group classes are limited to a maximum of four persons. All clients shall be spaced more than 1 metre apart during any session. Teachers have been asked to maintain a distance from clients during the session, and will continue the practice of wearing a face mask during the session and good hand hygiene in between sessions. Teachers shall honour any client request not to have the teacher touch them to correct their form during a session. There will be no sharing of props or equipment at any time.
- Clients are encouraged to make payments electronically to reduce interaction and contact. Waiting areas are clearly demarcated on the floor. As waiting space is now limited, clients and caregivers are advised not to dally at Sky before or after the sessions.
- Sky welcomes all requests for online or remote sessions as clients wish to socially distance themselves during this period. Please enquire with our front desk for details.
Thank you for your help in keeping everyone safe and well.
In health,
Sky Pilates Pte Ltd, Sky Physiotherapy Pte Ltd & Sky Movement Education Pte Ltd
27 March 2020